About Us

Bristol Parks Forum is as an umbrella organisation for community park groups and organisations in the city with an interest in their local parks and green spaces.

The forum is currently the only ‘community voice’ that is dedicated to all of Bristol’s green spaces. We work with Bristol City Council to ensure our parks & green spaces are well looked after and to help local groups enhance their green spaces.

See who is on the committee & how to contact us >>

The primary aims of the Bristol Parks Forum are:

• To campaign to protect and enhance all public green space in the City of Bristol
• To influence decision making, including resources allocation, on a local and national level, affecting parks and green spaces in the city.
• To act as a key consultation body on parks and green spaces in the city.
• To offer an opportunity to share ideas and experience.

The terms ‘Parks’ or ‘Parks & Green Spaces’ on this website (and in the Forum’s name) refer to all publicly accessible green space. This includes the city’s wonderful large estates, nature reserves and various informal areas of green space as well as traditional parks and play areas. Most (but not all) of these are owned and managed by Bristol City Council. Links to maps and other information can be seen here.

Any community group with an interest in any type of green space in Bristol is welcome to join the Parks Forum. A list of current members can be seen here.

Bristol Parks Forum Terms of Reference

Together with similar forums across the UK, Bristol Parks Form are members of the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces


Bristol Parks Forum are members of the Bristol Green Capital Partnership